The University of Sydney and Cornell University are committed to achieving impact through collaboration in research and education, as part of Cornell’s Global Hubs initiative.
The University of Sydney-Cornell University Ignition Grants/Global Strategic Collaboration Awards (GSCA) are intended to provide University of Sydney and Cornell University faculty teams with initial financial support for collaborative research explorations with the potential to create new or expanded research partnerships, develop cutting-edge scholarship to create academic and societal impact, and attract external funding.These international research exploration seed grants will help support early-stage research projects or capacity-building efforts to create and sustain long-term collaborations and secure extramural funding.
Applicants may propose new partnerships to explore and develop research collaborations, including organizing initial meetings and workshops and/or establishing research infrastructure for gathering preliminary data to develop a research idea (e.g., feasibility, pilot, and proof-of-concept studies) that may result in joint publications and enable subsequent applications for external funding. Proposals should be sustainable in the long-term with a plan for engagement that includes the details for sustainable external funding and publication outputs.
Applicants are encouraged to submit funding proposals from all disciplines for innovative and sustainable programs built around collaborative research linking the University of Sydney and Cornell University.
All projects supported by these Ignition Grants/ Global Strategic Collaboration Awards are expected to lead to publication outputs and leverage external international for continued collaboration within 12 months of the project end date. Evidence of external funding applications will need to be provided in final reports.
In this round, up to four projects will be funded:
Each project will have two teams led by Chief Investigators, one from the University of Sydney and one from Cornell University. The award will be up AUD 10,500 from the University of Sydney and USD 7,500 from Cornell University.
Cornell University Ignition Grants/GSCA 2024
The University of Sydney and Cornell University are committed to achieving impact through collaboration in research and education, as part of Cornell’s Global Hubs initiative.
The University of Sydney-Cornell University Ignition Grants/Global Strategic Collaboration Awards (GSCA) are intended to provide University of Sydney and Cornell University faculty teams with initial financial support for collaborative research explorations with the potential to create new or expanded research partnerships, develop cutting-edge scholarship to create academic and societal impact, and attract external funding.These international research exploration seed grants will help support early-stage research projects or capacity-building efforts to create and sustain long-term collaborations and secure extramural funding.
Applicants may propose new partnerships to explore and develop research collaborations, including organizing initial meetings and workshops and/or establishing research infrastructure for gathering preliminary data to develop a research idea (e.g., feasibility, pilot, and proof-of-concept studies) that may result in joint publications and enable subsequent applications for external funding. Proposals should be sustainable in the long-term with a plan for engagement that includes the details for sustainable external funding and publication outputs.
Applicants are encouraged to submit funding proposals from all disciplines for innovative and sustainable programs built around collaborative research linking the University of Sydney and Cornell University.
All projects supported by these Ignition Grants/ Global Strategic Collaboration Awards are expected to lead to publication outputs and leverage external international for continued collaboration within 12 months of the project end date. Evidence of external funding applications will need to be provided in final reports.
In this round, up to four projects will be funded:
Each project will have two teams led by Chief Investigators, one from the University of Sydney and one from Cornell University. The award will be up AUD 10,500 from the University of Sydney and USD 7,500 from Cornell University.